Allotment application and fees

Waiting lists and Haringey Allotment Forum.


We manage 27 allotment sites covering just over 76 acres of land.  

Over 1,800 people lease our allotments, growing anything from peas to prize roses.  

Waiting lists  

Demand for allotments is high and there's a waiting list for all sites. You may have to wait some time before being offered a place.  

Haringey Allotment Forum (HAF)  

HAF discuss and pursue common concerns for Haringey allotments such as their:  

  • cultivation  
  • management  
  • provision  

To find out more visit the HAF website.  

Park volunteering  

If you enjoy being in green space, you may like to volunteer in a local park. This gives you a chance to:

  • spend time in nature
  • meet new people
  • improve Haringey’s environment

Contact the allotments team

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