Allotment fees

Part of: Allotment application and fees

Discounted (concession) fee  

You can apply for a 50% discount if you live in Haringey and get one of the following:  

  • State Retirement Pension  
  • Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or Personal Independence Payment (PIP)  
  • Jobseekers Allowance (JSA), Income Support, Working Tax Credit, Employment & Support Allowance (ESA) or Universal Credit  

You cannot get a discount if you do not live in Haringey.  

Administration fee   

There is a one-off £25 fee to process new allotment tenancies. We will add this fee to your first invoice. 

The £25 fee also applies if we need to issue a new tenancy, like if you move to a different plot or site.


We do not give refunds for any reason. 

Invoices and how to pay

The allotment year runs from 1 January to 31 December. We send out invoices in January each year.

Concessions are not given part-way through the year.

If your situation changes and you're become eligible for a concession, let us know before January. We will then send you an invoice for the correct amount.

Your invoice shows how you can pay your allotment fee. 

The easiest way to pay is online. To pay with a debit or credit card, see our payment page.

Plot size

Allotment plots are measured in poles. 1 pole equals 25 square metres. 


Allotment fees
  Haringey resident Haringey resident discount (concession) Non-Haringey resident
2 poles      
Rent £23 £11.50 £33
Water £6 £6 £6
Total £29 £17.50 £39
3 poles      
Rent £34.50 £17.30 £49.45
Water £9 £9 £9
Total £43.50 £26.30 £58.45
4 poles      
Rent £46 £23.04 £65.93
Water £12 £12 £12
Total £58 £35.04 £77.93
5 poles      
Rent £57.50 £28.80 £82.42
Water £15 £15 £15
Total £72.50 £43.80 £97.42
6 poles      
Rent £69 £34.56 £98.89
Water £18 £18 £18
Total £87 £52.56 £116.89
7 poles      
Rent £80.50 £40.31 £115.37
Water £21 £21 £21
Total £101.50 £61.31 £136.37
8 poles      
Rent £92.01 £46.08 £131.86
Water £24 £24 £24
Total £116.01 £70.08 £155.86
9 poles      
Rent £103.51 £51.83 £148.34
Water £27 £27 £27
Total £130.51 £78.83 £175.34
10 poles      
Rent £115.02 £57.60 £164.82
Water £30 £30 £30
Total £145.02 £87.60 £194.82


Contact the allotments team

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