Coldfall Wood

Coldfall Wood is a fascinating area of ancient woodland covering 14 hectares.

Nature trail

The Coldfall Wood nature trail has been designed for children, but can be just as fun and interesting for adults. 

How to do the trail 

Follow the path shown in the nature trail .

When you reach each numbered post, look to see what fun activity you can do, or what question there is to answer. 

You can find everything pictured in the leaflet in the Wood. See how many you can spot. 

Get involved

The Wood has an information group of volunteers called Friends of Coldfall Wood. They share a common interest in protecting and enhancing the wood.  

To find out more about the group and get involved, see our list of Friends of Parks groups.

Wood management 

To find out how the park is managed see our park management reports page.

Sustainable woodland management 

We have achieved forest certification at Coldfall Wood under the UK Woodland Assurance Standard (UKWAS). 

UKWAS sets out management standards for woodland owners and managers and is accredited by the Forest Stewardship Council.


The wood has historically been managed through coppicing. This is where trees are cut down at the base. New growth then comes from the stump and cut trees are left to naturally decay.

The dead wood contributes to a healthy woodland as it makes a great home for beetles and other insects and fungi. These provide food for woodland creatures like birds and hedgehogs. 

Coppicing allows in light for wildflowers and other plants attracting butterflies and other animals. 150 additional plant species were recorded in Coldfall Wood since November 2006. 

Green Flag Award 

Coldfall Wood was first awarded the prestigious Green Flag Award in 2009, and has kept it ever since. 

To ask for a copy of the Green Flag report see our parks report page.

Report a problem

Report a park issue on our report a problem page.



Creighton Avenue
N10 1HU
United Kingdom

Opening times

Open 24 hours a day.


The only accessible entrances are:

  • Creighton Avenue West 
  • Creighton Avenue East 

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