Haringey Libraries terms and conditions

Haringey Libraries terms and conditions

Terms and conditions of library use

  1. Terms and Conditions of use of Haringey Libraries (hereinafter ‘the Service') is a service owned and operated by the London Borough of Haringey, Civic Centre, 255 High Rd, London N22 8LE. The terms ‘we', ‘us' or ‘the Council' where used mean the London Borough of Haringey. The terms ‘library user’ means any person who enters the premises whether or not they are a member and have enrolled for library services. ‘TLC’ means member authorities of The Libraries Consortium. “T&Cs” means these terms and conditions.
  2. You agree to abide with all the following Terms and Conditions under which this service is offered. We may suspend your access to the service without prior written notice if you are in breach of any of these Terms and Conditions where it is necessary in order to safeguard staff or library users or to protect Council or library users’ property.
  3. You also agree that if you are using the service on behalf of another individual, you will make that individual aware of these Terms and Conditions and such individual(s) shall agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.
  4. Library users are required to comply with Byelaws made under Section 19 of the Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964 by the London Borough of Haringey.
  5. Entrance to all public parts of the libraries is free and any member of the public can make use of the library.

    Admission to Haringey Libraries and membership applications

  6. All library members must possess a current membership card, which must be produced when items are borrowed from the library and shown to a member of staff if requested.
  7. Library users are responsible for the use of their cards and should not allow others to use them. Applications for a membership card will be regarded as acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.
  8. Applicants for a membership card are required to provide evidence of identification such as a current passport and/or driving licence.
  9. A parent or guardian must counter-sign the membership card for new members that are under the age of 16.
  10. Membership cards are NOT transferable, and Haringey Library service must be notified of the loss of a membership card as soon as possible.
  11. Library users will be held responsible for any item borrowed or the use of any equipment using their card unless that card has been reported to the library service as lost or stolen. There may be a charge made for lost membership cards at the rate currently set by Haringey Council.
  12. One library card will be issued to each customer.
  13. Library members may only use their own cards when borrowing items or booking a computer.
  14. Staff will use discretion in the cases of parents who are genuinely selecting items on behalf of their children or in the case of people borrowing on behalf of elderly people or people with disabilities in order to enable children and those with disabilities to access the service.
  15. Library cards may be used at any of the libraries within authorities belonging to The Libraries Consortium (formally known as the London Libraries Consortium).
  16. To operate the service, it is necessary for the library to collect the minimum personal data required, which includes name, address, date of birth, telephone number, email address and transactions. We collect this data, because the data is necessary to carry out the agreement you have entered into, i.e., becoming a library member and to provide you with a good service tailored to your needs. We may also seek personal information relating to age, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion and disability with your agreement, but you are not obliged to provide that information. This additional information informs our management decisions in shaping the library service to benefit our library members.
  17. Haringey Libraries is a member of The Libraries Consortium (TLC), a consortium of library authorities who share stock and standardised borrowing practices. Customers only require 1 library card, which can be used seamlessly in any of the member authorities. The library membership form used in all libraries of TLC members, specifies that personal data is held on a common database and that it may be accessed by authorised library staff in any TLC authority.
  18. All data is held and processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018. We guarantee to not use your data for any other purpose and will never sell, release, or allow access to your data, to other parties, unless legally required to do so or without seeking your permission first.
  19. If you have any questions or concerns about the way we process your personal data, contact dataprotection@haringey.gov.uk. For more information, please see our Privacy Policy.

    Conduct within a Haringey Library

  20. Any furniture, fittings or equipment in a Haringey Library must not be misused. Authorisation is required for the removal of any council property from the building.
  21. Any damage or defacement of library materials is strictly prohibited. Library users are asked to report any instances of such defacement to library staff that they observe or become aware of.
  22. Excessive noise, disturbance or unseemly behaviour is prohibited, including abusive or threatening behaviour to library staff or to other library users. Staff and other library users are entitled to work in or use the library without fear of verbal or physical abuse. We will take such action as is necessary to protect staff and service users which may include taking steps such as barring service users from the premises and obtaining injunction orders should that be necessary.
  23. Library users are asked to treat others with consideration, in particular those with a disability.
  24. Smoking and the use of e-cigarettes within the libraries (vaping) is not permitted in the library building or outside, near external doorways.
  25. Disruptive mobile phone use is prohibited. Library users are asked to switch their mobile phones off or set them to silent mode in the library. Any calls should be made or taken, away from the quiet areas within the library.
  26. No material other than official notices from the Council may be distributed within the library, without the permission of library staff.Accessing our network or computer systems in a bid to copy, store, modify or transmit any material without ownership of that material or material that contains viruses, malware, spyware, worms, Trojan horses or any other computer code intended to destroy or limit the functionality of any computer system is not permitted.
  27. The creating, accessing, copying, storing, transmitting or publishing of any material that is obscene, racist, defamatory or illegal, causes harassment or gross offence is not permitted. Anyone found abusing the Service in this way will be prohibited from future use and we may where an offence has been committed or is suspected to have been committed report this to the police.
  28. Children under the age of 8 must always be supervised by their parent or guardian who must also monitor any use by children of public access computers. Parents and care givers remain responsible for the children in their care while in the library.
  29. Parents and/or guardians are required to take responsibility for the materials used and borrowed by members under the age of 16.
  30. Library staff will not take responsibility for children of any age left unattended in the library and are instructed not to do so.
  31. To borrow items or use the computer equipment library users must have a Haringey Library or TLC membership card, which must be produced whenever an item is borrowed. No item may be removed from the library unless it has been checked out.

    Loan facilities and terms of borrowing and use of books, audio-visual items and People’s Network computers

  32. Library users may have on loan, at any one time, a total of 25 items, for each loan period as indicated below.
  33. Items must be returned within the official period of loan as indicated below and/or as promoted in library publicity. Late returns of material will incur fines see the borrowing and charges page for more information.
    Loan periods for different types of library stock
    Item type Loan period Adult Child
    Books 3 weeks Up to 12 Up to 15
    Audio Books (hire Charge applicable) 3 weeks Up to 8 Up to 10
    Language Course 6 weeks Up to 2 Up to 2
    Music CDs (hire charge applicable) 1 week Up to 8 N/A
    DVDs / Blu-Rays (hire charge applicable) 1 week Up to 4 N/A
  34. Overdue items and outstanding charges may result in suspended membership, please speak to a member of staff for more information.
  35. Suspended membership prevents users from borrowing and renewing items, placing reservations, or using Public Network Computers and other digital services.
  36. Items may be renewed by visiting the Haringey Libraries web page, using the Haringey Libraries app or by calling us on 020 8489 4560. Alternatively, please speak to a member of staff at any of Haringey Libraries. The renewal of items reserved by others is not permitted.
  37. Provided the book is not required by another reader, the period of loan can be extended for a further period. This can be done up to 10 times without the items being brought into the library. Exceptions may apply.
  38. A charge is payable for the loan of CDs and DVDs, as per the current charges table. Charges will be payable for any items not returned by the due date. Renewal of Audio Books, DVDs and Music CDs will incur further hire charge.
  39. DVDs, if not returned by the due date, will be automatically renewed, and will incur further hire charges. Visit the borrowing and charges page for more details.
  40. If an item has been retained beyond the permitted time, e-mail/SMS/Voicemail reminders will be sent, if this information was provided to us.
  41. Pre-due reminders are automatically sent out. In the unlikely event that our reminder service is unavailable customers remain responsible for ensuring that all items are returned by the date notified at the point of lending.
  42. Borrowers are responsible for the loss of or damage to any items while in their possession or borrowed on their library cards. If a card is lost, library staff must be told immediately, as until such notification, the card holder remains responsible for whatever is borrowed on or charged to their cards.
  43. Customers will be charged for lost or damaged items. Guarantors are responsible for any items borrowed that they countersigned for. The lost charge will be refunded if the item is returned within 6 months of the lost charge payment.
  44. Parents must confirm their consent to library staff if their child wishes to use the Internet. Consent is usually obtained when the child joins the library service.
  45. Customers who borrow music items or DVDs are asked to check them for damage at the time of issue and to point out to staff any apparent faults. Customers may be held responsible for any damage discovered when such items are returned. Staff may use discretion if a refund or credit is applicable.
  46. Customers may reserve any item that is currently unavailable, either in person, on the internet using the Haringey Libraries Catalogue , or the Haringey Libraries mobile app. We ask customers to appreciate that unless the item is currently in stock in their local library, it may take a little longer to supply the item, due to being sent from another of Haringey Libraries or other TLC libraries. Reservation charges may apply. See borrowing and charges for more information.
  47. Customers must notify library staff immediately of any change of name and address.
  48. No books, maps, manuscripts, or other reference articles may be removed from the Reference Section.
  49. No newspaper or periodicals or supplements/inserts are to be removed from the library, (unless they are clearly designated as being for loan), they must not be written on, or any articles torn out.
  50. Photocopies are provided subject to the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, and upon payment of the appropriate charge.
  51. Personal belongings may not be left unattended in a library without the permission of a member of staff. Haringey Libraries cannot accept responsibility for any personal belongings left unattended in the library.
  52. Library staff may refuse to loan items, and may deny the use of a library to anyone who:
    1. Refuses to comply with these Terms and Conditions of Library Use
    2. Indulges in any form of anti-social behaviour which may disturb other library users
    3. Are overtly racist, homophobic, sexist, or aggressive to staff or other users
  53. Library users should not attempt to reserve study places by leaving personal belongings at desks when they have left the building. Library staff may clear away belongings to allow others to use study places. Note that any unattended belongings are left at the owner’s risk.
  54. The use of information technology facilities within the library is governed by the Computer Misuse Act 1990, the Data Protection Act 2018 and the Digital Economy Act 2010. You are required to agree to the Acceptable Usage Policy on each occasion of use. 


  55. Failure to observe any of the foregoing provisions may, in the first instance be dealt with by a member of library staff or authorised representative.
  56. Should your breach of these terms and conditions be deemed significant enough you will be notified of your suspension from library services in writing. We will specify the duration of your suspension and the reasons for the suspension. At the end of your suspension, you may be required to meet with the Libraries Manager or authorised representative to agree an Acceptable Usage Policy prior to using our services again.
  57. Suspended Library users have a right of appeal against the decision of the library staff or authorised representative to the Head of Library Services. Appeals should be made in writing to the Head of Library Services. The decision of the appeal will be final.
  58. Complaints about the service will be dealt with under the London Borough of Haringey’s complaints procedure. 

Libraries room hire

For terms and conditions for all room, space, hall, and gallery hires in Haringey Libraries, please see Terms and conditions for Haringey Libraries room hire.

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