Another step closer to 3,000 new council homes

Haringey’s ambitious house building programme has benefitted another family as they prepare to move into a new high-quality home on Bury Road, N17.

Leader of the council, Cllr Peray Ahmet and Cabinet Member for House-building, Placemaking and Local Economy, Cllr Ruth Gordon, were given a tour of the new property and the exciting new features it will provide.

The new development has been transformed from seven existing garages into a two-storey, three-bedroom house with front and side gardens.

With three spacious bedrooms, the home located just behind Wood Green shopping centre will enable the family to put down real roots in Haringey.

Sustainability plays key role in the council’s house-building programme and therefore this home has significant levels of natural daylight and solar roof panels. This provides high levels of insulation and energy efficient heating that will help keep running costs low for residents.

The scheme achieves a 54% improvement in CO2 emissions over the baseline requirements within Building Regulations Approved Document.

Furthermore, the site is located with easy access to a range of local amenities, has a PTAL (public transport accessibility levels) of 6a as well as good pedestrian and cycle links. The PTAL is categorised in 6 levels, 1 to 6 where 6 represents a high level of accessibility and 1 a low level of accessibility.

Refuse and recycling facilities and secure cycle storage facilities have also been provided to encourage active travel.

Leader of Haringey Council, Cllr Peray Ahmet, said:

This is a family-sized home, right here, in the heart of the borough - a council home at council rent. By 2031 we are aiming to build 3000 new council homes in the borough and this is one step towards that.

With a huge demand for family-sized accommodation in Haringey, two thirds of the new council homes will be two bedrooms or more as we continue to roll out the programme.

We are committed to delivering high-quality and sustainable homes that meet the needs of our residents and are on track to achieving our ambitious aim of building 3000 council homes at council rent by 2031. This exciting new scheme is another step forward as we continue to build a legacy for Haringey.

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