Haringey has entered the top 10 of best boroughs in London for healthy streets.
In June, the council announced plans to almost treble the number of School Streets to 61 in the next three years, improving air quality at the school gates and making journeys safer and healthier for up to 36,000 children.
The council was also praised for the most progress rolling out its low traffic neighbourhood trials, which early analysis has shown is significantly reducing traffic inside the schemes.
The annual Healthy Streets Scorecard is produced by a coalition of environmental organisations and assesses the measures taken by each borough to increase the number of journeys taken by public transport, walking and cycling.
Cllr Mike Hakata, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member Climate Action, Environment and Transport said: “We’re very proud of the action we are taking to build a fairer, greener borough.
“This report recognises the significant progress we are making through our Streets for People programme to boost active lifestyles, cut air pollution and encourage walking and cycling.
“We know there is more to be done and will continue to take action to create safe and healthier streets for all.”
Haringey already has one of the fastest growing School Streets programmes with 23 implemented, and 11,000 families benefiting from 6km of walking, cycling and wheeling zones at school start and finish times.
The plans agreed in June will see the roll out of 38 new School Streets covering 58 educational establishments, benefiting an additional 25,000 children.
Last week, the Cabinet agreed investment of up to almost £1m to massively expand on-street cycle storage, helping hundreds without room in their home and encouraging active travel.
The council is also set to trial an e-bike hire scheme this autumn, giving local people more opportunities for affordable, active travel, while also cutting pollution and congestion and improving public health.