With regular patrols conducted across the borough and the support of residents reporting these issues, the council targets enforcement efforts on areas most affected by dumping.
The business owner pleaded guilty to two offences which saw them unlawfully depositing waste as well as failing to provide waste transfer notes.
Earlier this year, Haringey’s waste service team discovered a significant amount of commercial waste dumped in a domestic black box bin near the shop during a routine inspection. A follow-up inspection the next day revealed further waste illegally deposited on the public highway.
Despite being contacted twice by waste services officers, the business owner failed to cooperate or respond to inquiries. As a result, two fixed penalty notices for dumping were issued, along with a notice under Section 34 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 requiring the owner to provide waste transfer notes.
The owner neither paid the penalties nor provided the required documentation, leading to the case being referred to Highbury Magistrates’ Court.
The court-imposed fines of £440, a victim surcharge of £176, and costs of £200 and the owner will now hold a criminal record.
Cllr Seema Chandwani, Cabinet Member for Tackling Inequality and Resident Services, said:
Residents are tired of waste being dumped around our beautiful borough and strongly support tougher action to combat waste dumping. By working together with them, we aim to tackle this issue head-on and keep our public spaces clean and welcoming borough for everyone.
This case is a great example of our commitment and shows how vital it is for businesses to dispose of waste responsibly. It harms our community and environment, and we will not tolerate it.
We hope this serves as a clear reminder that illegal waste disposal has serious consequences, including fines and criminal records. A huge thank you to our waste services and enforcement teams for their continued hard work in holding offenders to account.
Haringey Council urges all businesses to ensure they follow the proper procedures for waste disposal and maintain records of their waste transfer notes, as required by law.
For more information on waste disposal regulations, click here.