The council became suspicious after the permit, which had been reported lost, was displayed in the owner’s car near the Tottenham ground and a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) was immediately issued as well as the vehicle removed.
Investigations showed the owner of the badge was in fact the father-in-law who had not attended the game being played at the time.
It was later discovered that the couple conspired to provide false and misleading information in a deliberate attempt to mislead the council. Both defendants were summoned to appear before Highbury Corner Magistrates Court and entered guilty pleas to all counts.
At the sentencing hearing, the husband was fined £212, and the wife was fined £573 and now hold a criminal record for their offences.
This case underscores the importance of residents coproducing enforcement strategies, together with the council. By collaborating with the community, services are tailored to their needs and highlights the positive outcomes that can be achieved.
Cllr Seema Chandwani, Cabinet Member for Tackling Inequality and Resident Services, said:
Our residents are at the core of our community and working with them to deliver and implement our services enables us to build a better Haringey.
Owners of Blue Badges deserve their entitled benefits, but these rights are unjustly stripped away when badges are stolen, preventing those in genuine need from accessing on-street parking where they need it most. Their independence is robbed and that is why we will continue to take enforcement action against those who break the law.
As demonstrated in this case, legal action will be pursued, and consequences will follow. We are committed to minimising badge theft and implementing measures to prevent the misuse of Blue Badges.
In the past year, Haringey Council has been actively investigating cases of alleged Blue Badge fraud, leading to numerous successful prosecutions and sanctions. Anyone found guilty of Blue Badge fraud will receive a criminal record, and the courts may impose additional financial penalties.