Following approval by the Mayor of London and the London Councils Transport and Environment Committee, penalties will increase by £30 in all London boroughs. This applies to violations such as parking breaches, waiting restrictions, driving in bus lanes, or stopping in yellow box junctions.
Haringey is among the 32 London boroughs, plus the City of London, affected by these changes. The revised penalty charges, which come into force on 14 April in Haringey, are as follows:
- Higher-level parking penalties: £160 (up from £130)
- Lower-level parking penalties: £110 (up from £80)
- Bus lane violations: £160 (up from £130)
- Moving traffic contraventions: £160 (up from £130)
The 50% discount for early payment remains in place, as does the 50% surcharge for late payments.
With some charges remaining unchanged for 14 years and others for 18 years, concerns were expressed that existing levels no longer prevent non-compliance among drivers.
All revenue raised from Penalty Charge Notices are ringfenced and reinvested in transport schemes.