Dangerous and obstructive parking

Part of: Parking and moving traffic enforcement

Pavement parking 

Including Blue Badge holders, you cannot at any time park your vehicle on a:

  • grass verge
  • pavement unless there's a clear sign saying parking is allowed on the pavement

If you do, you may get a penalty charge notice (parking ticket). 

Dropped kerbs 

A dropped kerb, also called a dropped pavement, is where a pavement has been lowered. This lets pedestrians easily cross the road, especially: 

  • the elderly 
  • someone with a disability 
  • someone with a pushchair 

Dropped kerbs also let vehicles access a driveway or parking facilities. 

You cannot park in front of a dropped kerb. Different rules apply to pedestrian, shared and single-use access ways. Do not park across any dropped pavement if you do not know the rules. If you do, you may get a penalty charge notice.  

Report a blocked dropped kerb

If your home or business has a dropped kerb and a vehicle is blocking access, contact us to have it removed. We’ll send someone to see if the vehicle’s parked illegally and if it’s causing an obstruction. Where appropriate, we’ll remove the vehicle. 

Report dangerous parking 

We welcome reports of: 

  • dangerous or unauthorised parking 
  • other parking problems 

Report dangerous parking

Contact us to report a blocked dropped kerb

Call between 7am and 7pm

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