Temporary vehicle cover

What temporary vehicle cover is, cost, length, where you can park, how to apply and how to end your cover.

You can buy temporary vehicle cover parking for a courtesy or hire vehicle if you: 

  • hold a residents parking permit 
  • cannot use your own vehicle, for example it’s in the garage for repair 

Your resident permit is not valid while you have temporary vehicle cover. You cannot park both vehicles at the same time. 

We do not give refunds on resident permits for the days you cannot use your vehicle. 

You must end your temporary cover when you no longer need it or at the end of the cover length of 21 days.

If you request to cancel your resident permit, any active temporary cover will also cease when we process your cancellation.


Temporary car cover is £40. There are no refunds. 

Permit length 

Your temporary cover lasts up to 21 days. 

Where you can park 

You can park in the controlled parking zone where you live, the same as your resident parking permit, in:

  • resident permit holder bays 
  • resident permit holder shared-use bays (resident permit and pay by phone) 
  • permit holder bays
  • permit holder shared-use bays (permit holder and pay by phone)

The permit is not valid in pay by phone only bays. 

See what the parking signs look like.

Number of temporary permits you can have 

You can have temporary cover twice within 12 months.     

What you need 

You need the vehicle registration number of the courtesy or hire vehicle. 

Buying temporary cover

  1. Log in to your online parking account
  2. Under ‘Your permits’ select ‘View your permits’.
  3. Under your ‘Resident permit’, select ‘View/edit’.
  4. Select ‘Apply for temporary cover’.
  5. Enter the date you want your temporary cover to start and the vehicle registration of your temporary vehicle.
  6. Pay for your temporary cover.

Ending your temporary cover 

You may get a parking ticket if you park your original vehicle without ending your temporary cover.   

You must end your temporary cover when you no longer need it or at the end of the 21 days.  

To end your temporary cover: 

  1. Log in to your parking account.
  2. Under ‘Your permits’ select ‘View your permits’.
  3. Under your ‘Resident permit’ that has the temporary cover, select ‘View/edit’.
  4. Under ‘Permits’, click ‘View’ next to the resident permit that has the temporary cover. 
  5. Scroll down and under ‘Temporary cover’ click ‘End temporary cover’. 
  6. Confirm that you want to end the temporary cover. The expiry date is now shown under ‘Temporary cover’. The permit is now valid for the original vehicle registration.

Terms and conditions 

Read the terms and conditions for parking permits.

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