Essential service worker parking permits

Who can apply, where you can park, refunds and terms and conditions.

About essential service worker permits

An essential service permit lets you park in Haringey if you have to visit residents at unsocial hours or are on 24-hour call out. 

You cannot use your permit to park where you work or park for any length of time when visiting your place of work.

There are different parking permits for doctors, schools, foster carers and faith groups


You can apply for an essential service permit if you’re either: 

  • an NHS health professional 
  • a staff member providing healthcare, counselling or social care through a: 
    • Haringey Council service 
    • charity 
    • not-for-profit 

Permit type 

You can buy:

Where you can park 

You can park in:

  • resident permit holder bay
  • resident permit holder shared-use bay (resident permit and pay by phone) 
  • permit holder bay
  • permit holder shared-use bay (permit holder and pay by phone)

The permit is not valid in pay by phone only bays. 

See what the parking bay signs look like.

Wood Green – where you cannot park 

You cannot use your permit to park in the Wood Green Inner CPZ, or in the following roads in the Wood Green Outer CPZ:   

  • Barratt Avenue N22 
  • Ranelagh Road N22 
  • Selbourne Road N22 
  • Wolseley Road N22 

You can only park in the above areas when you need to: 

  • move hazardous chemicals or heavy equipment to or from a property – you cannot park for longer than 2 hours or return to the same road for 2 hours 
  • attend an emergency call out – you cannot park for longer than 2 hours or return to the same road for 2 hours 

Bury Road car park 

Your permit covers you to park for an unlimited time on the top floor of the Bury Road car park


If you no longer need it, you can cancel your permit and may get a refund

Change permit details 

You can change your vehicle details or change your address

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