Skip/building materials licence

Licence to place a skip on the road, how to apply, licence costs.

The Highways Act (1980) states you must have a licence to place a skip on the road, otherwise you may be prosecuted.

Traffic levels and the size of the road are considered before a licence is given.

Builder, contractor or householder licence application


Apply online through GOV.UK. You will need a debit or credit card.

Apply on GOV.UK now

If you cannot apply online, you can download, print, fill in and return the application form and payment by post. Download the skip licence application form .

You must complete your application at least 5 working days before you need the licence.


Skip licence costs

Type of licence Price
Place one skip on the public highway £112.00
Place building materials on the public highway £112.00
Place both a skip and building materials on the public highway £128.00

Skip costs are not refundable.

Licence conditions

When you apply for a licence, you must agree to the licence conditions. When your licence is given, we will send more details about the placement of skips and materials on the road.

Length of licence

The maximum duration of a skip/materials licence is 28 days. If you need a licence for more than 28 days, you will need to make another application.

Parking bay suspension

If you want a specific parking bay reserved for placing a skip and/or building materials, a parking bay suspension is needed.

Road damage

Any damage caused to the road will be inspected by our highways team, who will recover costs.


Our enforcement team will take action if:

  • the skip or materials do not have the appropriate licence
  • any of the conditions of permission are broken

General licence conditions

You must make sure:

  • no skips or materials are put on the road until the licence is agreed
  • only one skip is on site at any one time
  • a builder's skip is clearly marked with the owner's name and telephone number
  • skips and materials are properly lit when it's dark

The skip supplier is responsible for making sure:

  • a skip does not obstruct other road users
  • all regulations are followed

Skip licence conditions

For full licence conditions see The Highways Act 1980, Section 139, Control of builder's skips on the website.

The skip must:

  • be lit when it's dark
  • not be larger than 5 metres by 2 metres
  • always be filled in a safe and controlled manner
  • not be overfilled
  • be removed as soon as practical after it's full
  • not be placed on the pavement or in front gardens (damage is caused to the pavement by skip lorries)
  • be covered over when unattended to prevent unauthorised dumping or overfilling

Materials licence conditions

Materials must not:

  • exceed 3 metres (length), 2 metres (breadth) and 1 metre (height)
  • prevent rainwater from draining into the public gullies/drains (a 2-inch diameter pipe or scaffold plank should be placed in the gutter)
  • be loose or be allowed to spread
  • be stored on the pavement
  • be mixed directly on the pavement or road, such as cement (they must have a board in place)

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