If you want to get involved in looking after your neighbourhood, we’d love to hear from you.
There are groups who look after parks and wildlife areas, and who pick up litter in their neighbourhood.
Haringey is full of residents who want to lead by example and create a borough we can all take pride in. The easiest thing you can do is put your litter in a bin, but let us know if you want to do more, and meet other people who care about their neighbourhood.
The Great British Spring Clean
Would you like to make a difference to your neighbourhood that benefits the community and local wildlife?
Take part in the Great British Spring Clean in Haringey from 21 March to 6 April 2025, and we will provide you with a litter-picking kit for free!
Residents and local businesses can borrow gloves and litter pickers to clean up local parks, streets or wildlife areas. We'll also the supply bags and collect them when you're finished.
Contact Veolia (environmental team)
Watermead Way Depot
Watermead Way
N17 0FJ
United Kingdom