Flood investigation reports and risk management strategy

Section 19 flood investigation, recommendations, local flood risk management strategy.

On 12 and 25 July 2021, widespread flooding was experienced across Haringey. As the designated lead local flood authority (LLFA), Haringey Council proposed that the flooding be investigated in accordance with Section 19 of the Flood and Water Management Act, 2010.

The investigation was split into the 3 geographic areas of Wood Green, Hornsey/Crouch End and South Tottenham. These 3 areas included the main concentrations of flooding, with Section 19 reports required for each one.

Such investigations are not in-depth analyses of the flood risks or their mechanisms, nor do they give the council the powers to require any of the parties involved to undertake any of the works recommended in the reports.

The 3 reports identify numerous recommendations including:

  • cleaning gully pots in known surface water flood risk areas to be a priority
  • Haringey Council to consider retrofitting SuDS projects where applicable and viable to manage excess storm runoff
  • Haringey Council to consider temporary closures of roads or diversions where there are localised high-risk flood warnings
  • Thames Water to review its surface water cleaning regimes in high-risk areas
  • Thames Water to review its response to floods and this review to be shared with other risk management authorities (RMAs) to ensure that mechanisms of flooding can be better understood, and any actions identified from the review can be developed jointly with other RMAs
  • Thames Water to consider a review of high-risk areas to identify locations where surface water sewers can be upgraded to better withstand larger storm events
  • the Environment Agency to consider inspection of culverted main rivers at the areas affected to ensure culverts are operating at capacity
  • property owners in high-risk flood areas should be made aware of their risk and be encouraged to investigate flood resilience and resistance measures

Section 19 investigation reports

You can download the:

Section 19 screening assessment

This Flood and Water Management Act (2010) Section 19 report was commissioned by Haringey Council in their role as Lead Local Flood Authority in response to a flood event which occurred on 17 August 2022 at various locations across Haringey.

Local flood risk management strategy

You can download the Haringey local flood risk management strategy .

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