Report problems with a street or road

Report a problem on a street or road, report an emergency on a road, if there's a danger on the road.

Report a problem with a street or road

Report logged in

Use My Account to log in and get updates on the progress of your issue.

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Report as a guest

Use our online form to report anonymously. You will not be updated on progress if you use the online form.

Report now

You can report a problem with:

  • potholes and road damage
  • street furniture such as barriers, railings, benches, bollards or manhole covers
  • gully grates and kerbs

Reporting an emergency

Emergency problems on the road might include:

  • an oil spillage
  • a sink hole
  • a car accident that makes the road or pavement unsafe to use

If there's an immediate danger on the road, contact us straight away.

If you are reporting the emergency after 5pm, you will need to contact the out of hours team.

We will check the area within 2 hours of the report.

Contact customer services: highways

Out of hours
Office hours
Monday to Tuesday 9am to 5pm
Wednesday 10am to 5pm
Thursday to Friday 9am to 5pm
Saturday to Sunday Closed

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