Apply for permission to park – wedding or funeral

Part of: Wedding and funeral parking permits

Before applying, find out who can apply for permission to park for a wedding or funeral. 

What you need 

You must:

  • give us the vehicle registration numbers for everyone you want parking permits for – up to 10  
  • upload or post evidence of the wedding or funeral - for example, a venue booking or order of service 


  1. Log in to your parking account or set up a parking account. If setting up a new account, select ‘Resident’ as your ‘Customer Type’. If you already have an account with a different customer type, you must set up a new account as a resident.   
  2. Under ‘Your permits’ click ‘See permits you can apply for (not visitor permits)’.  
  3. Click ‘Apply’ for either ‘Permission to park – wedding' or ‘Permission to park – funeral'. 
  4. Enter the postcode or name of the street where you want to park and ‘Add location’ - you can add up to 10 streets. 
  5. Enter the vehicle registration for each car (overwrite each time) you want a permit for and ‘Add vehicle’. 
  6. Enter the date you want your permit for.   
  7. Upload your proof documents or tick the ‘Send in post’ box.   
  8. Apply for your permit. 

After applying

Processing your application takes up to 10 working days. You'll get an email letting you know if your application's approved.

We may change your selected streets based on parking availability and other factors. 

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