Disabled parking
If you are finding it difficult to park close to a community centre or a local business, or you know of a location that would benefit from a general use disabled bay, you can submit a request for a new general use disabled bay.
Part of: Blue Badge scheme
After telling us your Badge has been lost, stolen or damaged, you can continue to park your vehicle as if you had your Blue Badge for 21 days. After 21 days, to park legally you must make other arrangements, like using visitor vouchers.
Once you've reported your lost Badge and we've received your cheque, we aim to send you a new one within 21 days.
Once you've reported your stolen Badge, we aim to send you a new one within 21 days.
After reporting your badge is damaged and we receive your damaged Blue Badge, clock and cheque, we aim to send you a new one within 10 working days.
Concessionary Travel
PO Box 55290
N22 9GA
United Kingdom