Teacher parking permits

Where you can park and how to change permit details.

About teacher parking permits

Following changes to our essential services permits policy, we not longer issue teacher permits. Teacher permits have been replaced by schools transferable permits

You can continue to use your teacher parking permit until it expires.  

Where you can park 

Your permit is only valid during term time. You can only park on the streets listed on your permit in a: 

  • resident permit holder bay 
  • resident permit holder shared-use bay (resident permit and pay by phone) 
  • permit holder bay
  • permit holder shared-use bay (permit holder and pay by phone)

See what the parking bay signs look like.


If you no longer need it, you can cancel your permit and may get a refund

Change permit details 

You can change your vehicle details or change your address

Terms and conditions 

Read the terms and conditions for parking permits.


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