Description of land and the new rights

Part of: High Road West compulsory purchase order


All that land shaded pink on the order map, namely land in the London Borough of Haringey bounded by (and/or including parts of):

  • White Hart Lane to the north
  • High Road to the east
  • Brereton Road to the south
  • partly bounded by and partly bisected by the railway line to the west and including:
    • the Love Lane Estate - comprising 297 homes across ten blocks
    • Coombes Croft Public Library
    • Nos 731 to 759 High Road - odd numbers only
    • A small sub-station to the south of No 731 High Road
    • 100 Whitehall Street
    • The Whitehall and Tenterden Community Centre
    • all or parts of roads including Love Lane, Whitehall Street, Moselle Street, Moselle Place, William Street, High Road and White Hart Lane

New rights

The following new rights are being sought over the land shaded blue on the order map namely:

  • parts of roads including Headcorn Road, Tenterden Road and Whitehall Street and area of land to the north of Whitehall Street - where rights of access are sought with or without vehicles for all purposes
  • land to the north and south of 100 Whitehall Street, part of Love Lane, part of White Hart Lane, land and properties on the north and south sides of White Hart Lane, part of William Street and properties to the east of William Street, and part of Brereton Road - where the right to swing the jib of a crane loaded or unloaded is sought to facilitate the delivery of the development
  • land and properties to the south, east and west of 9 -39 White Hart Lane - where rights are sought to access the land and erect and retain scaffolding and temporary hoarding for the purpose of constructing the development on adjoining land
  • land to the east of the railway line and land surrounding 100 Whitehall Street and Whitehall and Tenterden Community Centre - where rights are sought to access the land and erect and retain scaffolding and temporary hoarding and demolish and re-build any structures for the purpose of constructing the development on adjoining land
  • land surrounding 100 Whitehall Street and Whitehall and Tenterden Community Centre and part of Whitehall Street (west of the railway line) - where rights are sought to access the land to carry out landscaping and road works

All parties affected by the CPO may be entitled to compensation.

The making of the CPO is not intended to interfere with any ongoing negotiations with the council or Lendlease (our development partner) in relation to property/land. It is intended that any such negotiations will continue.

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