The Turnpike Lane improvement plan

Part of: Improving Turnpike Lane

The Turnpike Lane improvement plan aims to transform the area into a more welcoming, cleaner, and safer space that attracts more visitors to experience its unique mix of retail and restaurants.

To make sure it meets the priorities of the community, this plan has been co-designed with:

  • local traders
  • residents
  • the Turnpike Lane Traders Association
  • the Future Wood Green BID

Turnpike Lane has also been identified as a key part of Shaping Wood Green, our placemaking vision for the area’s future. Known for its multicultural spirit and home to around 100 independent businesses, Turnpike Lane has the potential to enhance its reputation as an international food and cultural destination. The improvements, including improved public spaces and lighting, and shopfronts, will help the area reach this goal and create a place for people to enjoy year-round.

The design objectives for Turnpike Lane aim to:

  • create a focal point at Alexandra Road – for seasonal events and al fresco dining including improved public realm, street greenery and lighting columns
  • deliver more public realm to improve the walkability along the street, including a continuous crossing on the northern side of Turnpike Lane
  • facilitate a better trading environment through shopfront improvements
  • generate a safer pedestrian experience with a pedestrian crossing in the middle of Turnpike Lane
  • increase natural greenery on the street, through planting of trees and rain gardens to assist with flood prevention
  • create a unique wayfinding and identity for the road through signage, murals and threshold slabs inspired by the street’s proud South Asian heritage

The final proposals follow previous public consultations and have been carefully shaped in response to the feedback collected from residents, traders, and local stakeholders.

See our Improving Turnpike Lane engagement website to see the designs.

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