Introduction to building control

An overview of our building control service.

What we do

All building work carried out should meet current building codes and regulation requirements. Our Building Control Service ensures that buildings are designed and constructed in accordance with the Building Regulations and associated legislation.

It is the responsibility of those carrying out the work to ensure that the provisions of the regulations are fully met. The role of Building Control is only to check that they do so.

The 10 essential functions of Building Control are:

  • encouraging innovation to produce energy-efficient and sustainable buildings
  • supporting local, regional and national businesses
  • educating and inform building professionals, contractors and tradespeople
  • defending vulnerable communities and householders
  • driving out rogue traders
  • safeguarding the investments of individuals and companies
  • enhancing access for disabled, sick, young and old people
  • protecting the community from dangerous structures
  • providing advice in support of the emergency services
  • ensuring sports grounds and public venues are safe for crowds

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