Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a charge based on the floorspace of new buildings to help fund infrastructure needs arising from new development. CIL runs alongside Planning Obligations (Section 106).

Approval of Revised CIL Charging Schedule

On 14 March 2022 Full Council approved a Revised CIL Charging Schedule to take effect on 1 September 2022.

The approval of the Revised CIL Charging Schedule follows a CIL Partial Review which began in 2016 and culminated in the examination of the Revised Charging Schedule in late 2021. 

All planning permissions granted on or after 1 September 2022 will be subject to the rates in the Revised Charging Schedule.

The council’s existing Charging Schedule which has been in place since 2014 will continue to have effect until 1 September 2022.

Haringey's existing CIL Charging Schedule and Annual CIL Rate Summary

Haringey’s CIL Charging Schedule was approved on 21 July 2014 and took effect on 1 November 2014. The Annual CIL Rate Summary shows how the rates have been ‘indexed’ for inflation over time.

Consultation on Draft Charging Schedule and associated documents

The council consulted on the following documents:

These documents were also available at our offices, 6th Floor River Park House, 225 High Road, N22 8HQ and all libraries within the borough during opening times.

Comments on the Draft Charging Schedule and associated documents were accepted from Wednesday 18 December 2019 to Tuesday 11 February 2020. Responses are now being considered and will be reported back here later this year.

As part of the consultation, the council was required to publish a Statement of the Representations Procedure. This can be downloaded below:

All comments received as part of this consultation will be submitted to the Examiner. Respondents who requested to be heard by the Examiner and to be notified when the Draft Charging Schedule is submitted to the Examiner will be contacted once the Charging Schedule has been submitted.

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Mayor of London's CIL

The Mayor of London’s CIL Charging Schedule (Mayoral CIL 1 or ‘MCIL1’) took effect in April 2012 and this was superseded by a new CIL Charging Schedule (Mayoral CIL 2 or ‘MCIL2’) in April 2019, both covering the whole of London.

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Spending CIL Annual Reports and Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS)

Mayoral CIL (external link) may be spent on Crossrail (the Elizabeth Line) and Crossrail 2. Haringey CIL must be spent in accordance with its CIL Governance document:

Essentially, Haringey CIL can be spent on:

  • Strategic CIL (SCIL) – up to 70-80% of CIL may be spent on ‘infrastructure’ to support new development in accordance with the Regulation 123 List and detailed criteria - see CIL Charging Schedule updated with Governance and revised Reg 123 (PDF, 774KB)
  • Neighbourhood CIL (NCIL) – 15-25% of CIL may be spent on ‘Neighbourhood CIL’ projects (see below)
  • Administrative expenses – up to 5% of CIL may be spent on the costs of collecting and spending CIL

Haringey’s CIL collection and spending is reported on an annual basis in the reports below and in the council’s Authority Monitoring Report.

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Neighbourhood CIL (NCIL)

15% of CIL may be spent on ‘Neighbourhood CIL’ (NCIL) projects. This increases to 25% where there is an adopted Neighbourhood Plan. NCIL may be spent on ‘infrastructure’ or ‘anything else that addresses the demands that development places on an area’.

The process for deciding how the council spends NCIL is set out in its CIL Charging Schedule updated with Governance and revised Reg 123 (PDF, 774KB). NCIL spend projects must be decided following consultation with local people:

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What does and does not pay CIL?

CIL may be payable on developments which create net additional floorspace where the gross internal area (GIA) of new build exceeds 100 square metres or involves creating a dwelling.

Existing floorspace may be netted-off as part of the CIL calculation, provided that the existing floorspace has been in continuous lawful use for at least 6 months during the 3 year period prior to planning permission.

The following types of development will usually not be liable, be exempt or qualify for relief from paying CIL (subject to meeting the detailed exemption/relief criteria):

  • Development of less than 100 square metres, unless the development creates a new dwelling;
  • Uses which have a nil rate in the Charging Schedules, such as health and education uses;
  • Social / affordable housing ;
  • Charitable development ;
  • Structures or buildings that people do not normally go or only enter for the purpose of inspecting or maintaining fixed plant or machinery;
  • Structures which are not buildings, such as pylons or wind turbines;
  • Mezzanine floors which are added to an existing building unless they form part of a wider planning permission;
  • Self build homes;
  • Residential annexes or extensions; and
  • Development that results in a CIL liability of less than £50.

For information how to claim exemption or relief please see Claiming Exemption or Relief below.

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CIL procedure and forms

If you are liable for CIL you have important statutory responsibilities as set out in national legislation and guidance:

There are 6 key steps:

Step 1: Submit a planning application with a CIL Form

CIL Form 1 is required to be submitted with your planning application as set out in the council’s Validation Checklist.

Step 2: Planning permission and the CIL Liability Notice

When planning permission is granted, the council will issue a CIL Liability Notice, clarifying the amount of CIL that is liable for that development.

Step 3: Who is liable for CIL and the Assumption of Liability Form

Responsibility to pay CIL runs with the ownership of the land, unless another party has assumed liability. An Assumption of Liability form must be submitted to the council before the development commences.

This step may be taken alongside any earlier steps.

Step 4: Claiming Exemption or Relief from CIL

Exemption or Relief from CIL for Social Housing, Charitable Development, Self Build, Residential Annexes or Residential Extensions must be applied for by completing the relevant form and a decision on the Exemption or Relief must be received from the council before development commences on site.

This step may be taken alongside any earlier steps.

Step 5: Commencing development and the CIL Demand Notice

A Commencement Notice confirming the start date of the development on site must be received by the council before development is due to commence on site.

After the commencement date the council will issue a CIL Demand Notice detailing the amount payable.

Step 6: Paying CIL

The payment will generally be due in full at the end of 60 days after the development has commenced on site. It may be possible for payment to be made in instalments if our policy allows for this.

If a development is liable for CIL, payment is mandatory. There are strong enforcement powers and penalties for failure to pay, including stop notices, surcharges, late payment interest and prison terms.


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Wood Green

N22 7SG

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Page last updated:

June 13, 2024