School Streets

Benefits of School Streets, when School Streets operate.

School Streets

School Streets transform roads outside schools so that pedestrians and cyclists are prioritised at school start and finish times.

They reduce road danger, improve air quality and tackle congestion near the school gates, making it easier and safer to walk and cycle to school.

They create a more pleasant environment for everyone, while making sure local residents and businesses can use the road.

School Streets are one part of our overall plan to improve the health of our children and tackle the climate emergency.

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What we do

Streets near a school will become a pedestrian and cycle zone:

  • for up to 1 hour and 30 minutes at the start and end of the school day
  • from Monday to Friday during term time

Vehicles are not allowed to enter the zone between these times. In some cases, we will give an exemption.

How to recognise a School Street

Check what signs to look for around a School Street and find out how we inform residents about School Streets.


Motorists who break the rules may get a penalty charge notice (PCN). We use automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) cameras. These cameras check the number plates of the vehicles that drive into the street. If the vehicle does not have an exemption, we may issue a PCN. Find out how to apply for an exemption.

The PCN for driving into a School Street is £130. If paid within 14 days, it is £65.

Find out more about challenging or paying a PCN.

School Streets are introduced under powers contained within the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (as amended). We use either permanent or experimental traffic management orders (TMOs). Find out more about TMOs.

Contact the School Streets team

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