SEND Directory

Haringey's Local Offer - services, support, and resources for children and young people (0-25) with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND)

Find services for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND)

Directory Entries (map)

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Directory Entries

HENRY Charity

HENRY provides a wide range of support for families from pregnancy to age 12, including workshops, programs, resources, and online help. Their support is based on the HENRY approach to behaviour change. It helps parents gain the confidence, knowledge, and skills needed to create a healthier, happier lifestyle for the whole family and give children a great start in life.

Examples of their support include:

Hope in Haringey charity

Hope in Haringey—rooted in Tottenham is a charity that aims to enhance the life chances of Haringey’s young people between the ages of 4 and 24.

They deliver this aim through four core programmes, early intervention short-term counselling, employability mentoring, diversionary sports and arts programmes and bringing young people and the police together through structured engagement events. 

Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children (GOSH)

Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) is one of the world's top five children's hospitals and one of the most technologically advanced.

The hospital has been dedicated to children's healthcare and finding new and better ways to treat childhood illnesses.

GOSH provides more than 67 specialised services, the widest range at any one site in the UK. Specialised services support children with a range of rare and complex conditions, including patients with:

Kith & Kids Charity

Kith & Kids is a London-based charity that provides activities, opportunities, information, and support for people with a learning disability or autism, as well as their parents and siblings. They aim to help people to overcome their social isolation.

Their Family Support Service helps parents and siblings by introducing them to other parents and siblings and providing individual information and support.

Their Outreach Service provides information, support and training to families, carers and organisations.

Markfield: inclusive community hub

Markfield is an inclusive community hub in Haringey where people can play, socialise and get information & support.

Our vision is a world where disabled, Deaf and autistic people are treated as equals, have a voice and can live the life they want.

Markfield offers a range of support services for parents/carers and young people such as: 

Good Thinking - online mental health and wellbeing support

Good Thinking is an online service that supports Londoners to look after their mental health and wellbeing to tackle anxiety, stress, low mood, sleep problems and other concerns.

Available 24/7 on any device and completely anonymous, Good Thinking provides a range of resources to help Londoners improve their mental wellbeing, including:

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