SEND Directory

Haringey's Local Offer - services, support, and resources for children and young people (0-25) with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND)

Find services for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND)

Directory Entries (map)

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Directory Entries


Apprenticeships are an opportunity to combine paid work with training and receive nationally recognised qualifications along the way. People of all ages from 16 and over are welcome to apply.

Chickenshed Charity

Chickenshed is a pioneering and inclusive company that makes beautiful and inspirational theatre. They bring together people of all ages and backgrounds to produce outstanding theatre that entertains, inspires, challenges and informs both audiences and participants alike

Disability Action Haringey

Disability Action Haringey (DAH) was formed in 2020 with the aim of supporting disabled people in the London Borough of Haringey maintain their independence and freedom. We are committed to the social model of disability and building a society that accepts and accommodates everyone.

As a Deaf and Disabled Persons’ Organisation, our services will always be centred on the demands of the service users themselves, which leads us to take a holistic approach to support.

Haringey Shed Charity

Haringey Shed is an inclusive theatre and performing arts company for children and young people. They provide a range of term-time after-school activities and holiday programmes, as well as outreach work in the community, working in local schools, nurseries, and community centres.

They believe every young person should have access to a safe, respectful and creative environment regardless of their ability and background.

Help getting into employment

Haringey Works, Haringey Learns, help with the costs of starting work, and help if you have a disability or health condition.

Jobs and training

Help finding work, jobs in schools, jobs with children and young people, working for Haringey.

Kith & Kids Charity

Kith & Kids is a London-based charity that provides activities, opportunities, information, and support for people with a learning disability or autism, as well as their parents and siblings. They aim to help people to overcome their social isolation.

Their Family Support Service helps parents and siblings by introducing them to other parents and siblings and providing individual information and support.

Their Outreach Service provides information, support and training to families, carers and organisations.

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