Childhood vaccinations

Information about childhood vaccination, and childhood vaccination schedule.

Childhood vaccinations

Vaccination is the safest and most effective way of protecting against serious diseases.

The NHS strongly recommends that babies and children are vaccinated according to the Routine Childhood Immunisations Schedule

You'll usually be contacted by your GP surgery when your child is due for a routine vaccination. This could be a letter, text, phone call or email. If you know your child is due for a vaccination, you can speak to your GP surgery to book the appointment. You do not need to wait to hear from them. It could be at your GP surgery or a local child health clinic.

School-age child vaccinations

Vaccination UK is commissioned by NHS England to provide school-age vaccinations to pupils. Children and young people attending a Haringey school will receive a parental consent form when they are due for a vaccination.

Example vaccinations include:

  • HPV vaccine - for children in year 8
  • DTP (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Polio) and Meningitis vaccine - for children in year 9
  • MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine - for children from reception to year 13

Please check your child is up to date with all their immunisations before starting school, by checking their Red Book or speaking to your child’s GP. These immunisations protect your child against serious illnesses that spread easily in schools and will help to prevent your child needing time off school and you time off work.

Visit the NHS website for more information

If your child has missed a vaccination

If your child has missed the school session and you would like to attend a clinic to catch-up on their vaccines, you can:

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