Haringey has an ambitious vision improve mental health and wellbeing outcomes for those that live, work and volunteer in the London Borough of Haringey. Find out how we’re helping our resident’s achieve their version of great mental health.

Haringey’s Great Mental Health programme
Launched on World Mental Health Day (10 October) 2021, the programme consists of universal and targeted activities, resources and initiatives.
Great care has been taken to co-design initiatives, collaborating with residents and communities to build connectivity and sustainability.
Initiatives commissioned by and comprise the Great Mental Health programme:
- Good Thinking
- Thrive LDN
- Programmatic advertising campaign
- Haringey’s Wellbeing Network
- Support after Suicide postvention service
- Haringey Suicide Prevention Group
- Project Future
- Black Men’s Project
- Great Mental Health Day campaign
A multi award-winning programme
Haringey’s Great Mental Health programme has been internationally recognised, winning the UK Public Health Innovation Award for ‘Best Collaborative Working’ in October 2023 as well as the Faculty of Public Health 'Sarah Brown Prize' in 2022.
It was also shortlisted for 2 prestigious awards in 2022, the Health Science Journal and Royal Society of Public Health.
The Great Mental Health programme was evaluated to understand how it benefitted residents and communities. It showed the programme was successful in improving the mental health and wellbeing of Haringey residents.
For a copy of the programme evaluation, please get in touch at publichealth@haringey.gov.uk.
Great Mental Health Day
The Great Mental Health Day (GMHD) campaign was born from Haringey’s Great Mental Health programme. It originated in Haringey but has since become a London-wide movement. The campaign encourages Londoners to talk about mental health, destigmatise asking for help and raise awareness of available support. It now encompasses all London boroughs as well as a broad range of regional health and care partners including London’s NHS, ambulance service and Mental Health Trusts.
January 2024 saw London’s third Great Mental Health Day. To mark the day, Haringey announced free activities across the borough to boost mood, improve resilience and signpost to existing infrastructure and support. This complemented the many wellbeing events simultaneously held in other London boroughs as part of the city-wide celebration.
Email publichealth@haringey.gov.uk to get involved in Great Mental Health Day 2025.
Suicide prevention
To strengthen joint working, Public Health commissions a suicide prevention group. This inter-agency partnership delivers the local suicide prevention strategy and action plan, reducing deaths from suicide and supporting those affected.
Join Haringey’s suicide prevention group
Project Future
Project Future is a community based, youth-led project that revolutionises mental health delivery for young men aged 16-25 years involved in gangs, offending and serious youth violence in Haringey. It has shown to improve wellbeing, reduce offending, increase access to education, employment, training, and uptake of local services. A long-term project objective is to reduce the economic impact of gang related offending to society.
Black Men’s Project
A culturally competent and co-created a 12-week programme educates Haringey’s black men aged 30 and over on the importance of mental wellness and promotes borough assets. A range of discussion topics features bereavement, racism, family dynamics and self-development. An evaluation is due to be conducted at the end of 2024.
Mental Health First Aid training
Fully funded, two-day Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training is available monthly for front line staff who live, work, or volunteer in the London Borough of Haringey.
Book your Mental Health First Aid training place now
We also have a special training for those that work with young people. For more information visit Mind in Haringey or call 020 8489 1095.
Programmatic advertising campaign
An online media campaign promotes these pages to Haringey residents so they know where to go for support.
Mental Health Resource Hub
In addition to the programmes above, a Mental Health Resource Hub has resources, tools and apps on a range of support to keep Haringey residents mentally healthy.
See our pages on Wellbeing, Adults, Children and Young People, Dementia and what to do in a crisis.
Further information
If you have any queries about what we’re doing about mental health, please contact the public health team.