Adult social services market position statement

What the statement will help us to do, how we developed it.


Welcome to Haringey's market position statement (MPS) for adult social care for 2024.

We are dedicated to making adult social care services better. We will work the healthcare, voluntary, and community sectors, and people who use these services to define the future of adult social care in our community.

This plan will help us to:

  • support residents to remain as independent as possible, for as long as possible
  • offer information to social care providers to assist with strategic planning and the development of services that meet local needs effectively
  • allow commissioners and providers of adult social care services to work together us achieve high-quality services that offer value-for-money for Haringey’s residents

This plan will be regularly updated and refined through working together with providers and residents to meet changing needs

Together, we can shape a future where every individual in Haringey has the support they need to live well and age well.

How has Haringey’s market position statement been developed, and why?

Following our provider survey from April 2023, feedback within our monthly provider forums, and the implementation of our commissioning peer review over the course of 2023, we worked to understand and engage the market and respond to it. Part of this response includes the publication of our commissioning intentions through the MPS.

After COVID-19, we looked again at our needs and resources. We asked service users, carers, health professionals, and community organisations how their needs had changed. We wanted our market position statement to reflect current challenges, opportunities, and aspirations, guiding our commissioning decisions over the next year and beyond.

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