Haringey's adult social care commissioning priorities

Part of: Adult social services market position statement

1. Prevention

Universal and community-based services should support people to remain as independent as possible for as long as possible.

2. Enhancing choice and control

Flexible, person-centred services will meet each person's preferences and goals. We will create more choices for direct payment holders through strategic partnerships and targeted investments. We will listen to people who are often overlooked in the commissioning of their care services.

3. Locality-based delivery

Services will be within each of Haringey's three locality areas. We recognise the unique needs and preferences of each community. We support belonging and inclusion, promoting social cohesion and collective well-being.

4. Driving innovation and sustainability

New technologies, approaches, and care models can be more sustainable environmentally, socially and economically.

5. Promoting co-production and engagement

Service users, carers, and communities will be involved in shaping and delivering services. We want to hear from people in our communities that are often not heard through a variety of co-production and participation opportunities.

6. Investing in workforce development

Training, development, and support for social care professionals. We want to attract and retain talented individuals dedicated to making a positive difference.

7. Recovery and enablement

Services and models that facilitate recovery and enablement will empower individuals to regain independence, achieve their outcomes and live fulfilling lives.

8. People with complex needs

Specialised accommodation and support services to facilitate the transition of individuals from hospitals and residential services back home. They can use innovative and cost-effective service delivery models.

9. Reducing reliance on residential and nursing placements

Investing in community-based alternatives and wraparound support services. This will to enable individuals to remain in their homes or supportive community settings.

10. Supporting carers

Support carers to achieve their well-being outcomes while fulfilling their caregiving responsibilities.

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