Dementia in Haringey: key insights

Part of: Adult social services market position statement

Dementia presents a significant challenge, with an anticipated increase in prevalence over the coming decades. Understanding the current statistics and projected trends is crucial for developing effective strategies to support individuals affected by dementia and their families.

  1. Current prevalence and projections: Presently, it is estimated that around 2,100 individuals in Haringey are living with dementia. By 2040, this figure is projected to increase to 3,400, representing a significant rise of 62% over the intervening years
  2. Association with age: As expected, older age groups exhibit a higher prevalence of dementia. Over the period from 2020 to 2030, the number of older Haringey residents with dementia is predicted to increase by 23%, reflecting the aging population's impact on dementia prevalence
  3. Diagnosis rates: In Haringey, around two-thirds of individuals likely to have dementia have received a formal diagnosis. This equates to approximately 1,400 people with a confirmed diagnosis, highlighting the importance of early detection and access to diagnostic services

These statistics underscore the growing need for dementia-related services and support mechanisms in Haringey. Providing comprehensive care and assistance can help address the increasing challenges associated with dementia within the community. By prioritising dementia care and support, Haringey can better meet the needs of affected individuals and their caregivers, promoting dignity, quality of life, and well-being for all.

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