Streetscape – improving Haringey’s streets

Improving the design and appearance of our streets, the Streetscape design guide

We’ve produced a revised Streetscape Design guide which sets out design aspirations and general design principles for the delivery of new and refurbished streetscapes across Haringey. The guide is for use by all involved in the delivery and maintenance of streetscape projects including those working within and on behalf of the council and private developers. 

The aim of the Streetscape Design guide is to: 

  • Secure design quality
  • Ensure consistency
  • Facilitate discharge of planning conditions
  • Help secure best rates
  • Simplify maintenance

Who uses the guide

The Streetscape Design guide is for anyone involved in designing and maintaining Haringey's streets, including: 

  • council departments
  • contractors
  • developers
  • transport agencies
  • utility companies

The guide tells residents, businesses and other stakeholder groups about the council's vision for Haringey’s streets as well as assisting developers in understanding the council’s requirements for streetscape improvements.

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