Physical health

Part of: The Community Learning Disability Nursing Service

Illustration of a GP doing different health checks

Some people, such as those with epilepsy, cerebral palsy and sensory impairment, may have lots of physical health issues which require a co-ordinated approach to ensure easy access to appropriate health professionals. For these people, they will have an identified nurse who will help co-ordinate the care and ensure reasonable adjustments are made.

A man talking to a health worker
For most people with learning disabilities, their general health needs can be supported by their GP.
Health check poster

Annual health checks are for adults and young people aged 14 or over with a learning disability, and should be available at your GP practice.

An annual health check helps you stay well by talking about your health and finding any problems early, so you get the right care. Some people have not been offered annual health checks, but it is your right to ask for one.

Two men smiling

The learning disability nursing team also hold a physical health clinic. If you are invited to the clinic, nurses will check if you have had an annual health check, provide health advice, and will see if you have any other health needs which are not being met.

A hospital passport and a purple folder
You should also have, or be offered a purple folder or hospital passport. Some people only have one, but some people choose to have both. You can get one of these from the community nursing team.

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