Organising a community event

Things you need to know, TEN, events in parks, street parties and road closures, demonstrations and parades.

Things you need to know before organising an event

There’s lots of information on organising community events on the GOV.UK website, including: 

  • what to think about when planning an event 
  • what, if any, licences or permissions you need 
  • how to keep organisers, volunteers and participants safe 
  • how to make sure food and drink is safe 
  • whether you need insurance 

Find out more: organising a voluntary event: a 'can do' guide - GOV.UK

Temporary event notice (TEN) 

You will need to apply for a TEN if you want to hold an event at a venue that doesn’t have either a: 

  • premises licence 
  • club premises certificate

Find out more and apply for a TEN

You may also need a TEN if you want to organise an event outdoors, like a street party. Please contact us to find out. 

Events in Haringey’s parks 

If you want to hold an event in a Haringey park, you must apply for permission. 

This is arranged through the parks service. 

Find out more on events in parks.

Street parties and road closures 

If you want to have a street party you need to get permission from the council and apply for a temporary traffic regulation order.

There is no charge for this.  

Demonstrations and parades

Demonstrations and parades are usually managed by the police. 

Find out more on our road closures page.

Contact the licensing team

Please note this phone number and email address are NOT for house in multiple occupation (HMO) licensing queries.