Inspection domains
Inspectors made a judgement about the effectiveness of the local Youth Justice System by gathering evidence evaluating against 3 domains:
- domain 1 – organisational delivery, including how well the YJS is led and governed
- domains 2 and 3 look at the quality of:
- post-court supervision
- out-of-court disposals
Domain 1: organisational delivery
The inspectors looked at:
- governance and leadership
- staff
- partnerships and services
- information
- facilities
Domains 2 and 3: court and out-of-court disposals
Inspectors evaluated if the arrangements in place sufficiently analyse how to support children’s desistance from offending (prevention, reduction and ceasing of), keep children and others safe in the following areas:
- assessment
- planning
- implementation and delivery
- review
- resettlement from custody
- access to appropriate services to support desistance, safety and wellbeing and risk of harm