Managing green spaces on Ferry Lane Estate

Part of: Consultations for housing

We are seeking feedback on how the green open spaces on Ferry Lane estate should be managed. We recognise those who live on the estate are best placed to guide us on how to do this.

Ferry Lane is a green estate surrounded by many trees that provide a home for birds, butterflies, and other wildlife. Not only does nature provide environmental benefits, but it is also good for physical and mental health.

With ample space for residents to live, play, picnic and, most importantly, encourage nature, Haringey Council has a legal duty to look after and improve the area for wildlife.

Consultation documents

Have your say

This survey closed on 7 August 2023.

If you would like a copy of this consultation in a different language, or in any other format, please email us.

What happens next?

At the end of the consultation period, the council will consider all the feedback received before making a decision on how to manage the green open spaces.

Contact the resident engagement team

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