Rough sleeping strategy 2023 - 2027

Part of: Consultations for housing

We are now consulting on our draft rough sleeping strategy which will guide Haringey Council’s approach to rough sleeping between 2023 - 2027. The consultation will run from 21 February to 4 April.

What we are consulting on

Any period of rough sleeping represents a failure to safeguard and protect vulnerable people, so the way the council approaches this issue is critically important. We need your help to get it right. The council is developing a rough sleeping strategy to guide its approach to rough sleeping over the next 4 years.

Our aim in this strategy is to set out a vision to end rough sleeping in Haringey. To do this, we will make clear what we will do, outline the challenges we may face, and describe how we will measure our progress along the way.

This strategy is the realisation of a process of co-creation that celebrates the skills, qualities and experiences of our community. Between November 2021 and May 2022, people with lived experience of homelessness, council officers and partner agencies worked with Arts and Homelessness International to create an original play based on their real experiences. This interactive approach to policy co-design brings people together to propose creative policy and practice ideas centred on lived experience.

We are proud of the co-creation of the strategy so far, but we know that the more voices we hear, the stronger our strategy will be. We want to know what you think of our rough sleeping strategy and the 4 commitments outlined in it.

Consultation documents

Please see the draft rough sleeping strategy document below:

We think this draft rough sleeping strategy is ambitious and transformative, but we need your support and guidance to get it right.

Have your say

This consultation is now closed

What happens next

We will consider everything you tell us carefully before publishing our rough sleeping strategy in 2023.

If you would like a translation of the draft rough sleeping strategy, or a paper copy of the consultation form, please contact us.

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