The Mayor of Haringey

The role of the Mayor.

The role of the Mayor

The Mayor is the elected chair of the council. They are also the civic and ceremonial figurehead for the council. The chain, badge and robes of office are an outward sign of this high office.

The Mayor is elected each year at the annual meeting of the council. The current Mayor is Councillor Sue Jameson.

The Mayor is known as the first citizen. This is an honorary title and means that they take precedence over everyone apart from a member of the Royal Family and the Lord Lieutenant of London. The Mayor must be non-political and represent every section of the community.

The Mayor's duties

Apart from the civic and ceremonial duties and functions that the Mayor performs for the council, they also represent the borough at all major events and historical ceremonies in Haringey.

The Mayor has an important role to play in promoting the work of the council and supporting local community, voluntary and charitable organisations. They are also involved in celebrating and recognising achievements and milestones. Find out how to invite the Mayor to an event.

Contact the Mayor's Office

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