Sometimes, people enter the hospital after a long time of struggling at home. We encourage people to return home with care support. Most people want to remain in their own homes. It is best to try this, with extra support if you need it to make this safe and sustainable.
Unfortunately, sometimes an individual or their family may feel that this has been tried and it is time to consider living elsewhere where there is care support available all day. If you ask the hospital Ward Manager or Deputy Manager to refer you to us, we will assess you and work with you to establish which alternatives would be most suited to your needs.
Extra Care scheme
Extra Care scheme - warden supervised independent flats for people over 55. The blocks have 24-hour staff on-site to support you. To be eligible, you need a paid carer for at least 14 hours a week. This option allows you to retain your independence as you are allocated your own flat with all the facilities you would have in a normal flat.
Care homes
If you or your family feel that Residential Care or a Nursing Home are the best options, the hospital Ward Manager can refer you to us and you will be allocated a Social Worker who will assess and support you to make a decision.
If you receive council-funded care at home, go to Extra Care or a care home, you will have a financial assessment as well as a care assessment as you may be expected to contribute to the costs of this. We will explain this all to you when we assess you.
Further support available
Hospices provide care specifically for terminally ill people and give support to their carers both in the hospice and at home. Admission is arranged through your doctor or hospital consultant.
The adult social care directory Haricare has details of a number of private nursing services, hospices and other organisations that can offer help and support. Support available includes helping you to cope with end of life, life-limited illnesses, bereavement and funerals.