Wood Green Town Hall Council Chamber (1958).
Wood Green Town Hall Council Chamber staircase (1958).
During 1964-65, the borough of Wood Green merged with the boroughs of Hornsey and Tottenham to become Haringey. Wood Green town hall then became the new Civic Centre – the last meeting of Wood Green Borough Council was held on 19 March 1965.
Allowing a voice for local issues and nationally important issues that have changed the nation’s history.
The last meeting of the Wood Green Borough Council on 19 March 1965 in the Civic Centre Council Chamber in Wood Green before the creation of the London Borough of Haringey which came into being on 1 April 1965.
Back row: Councillors J.S Dowie, F.A.Rhodes, Mrs P.M Dines, E.V.Page, F.C Carnell, J McKenna, C.W.Ware, J.G Elkington, A.C. Findley, B.L. Greenaway, Mrs D.C. Findley, and Mr C.A. Patterson (Macebearer).
Middle row: Councillor R.A.Penton, Aldermen E.E.Nice, J.W.Barnett, Mrs Joyce Butler, MP, Mr G.W.Plater, (Town Clerk), His Worship the Mayor (Councillor M.Skuder, B.Sc, J.P.) the Deputy Mayor (Councillor Mrs L.A .Angell), Alderman R.G.Kendall, C.D. Moss, Councillors Victor Jary and L.F.Large.
Front row: Messrs D.F. Barker (Deputy Borough Engineer), A. B Stewart (Deputy Borough Treasurer), W.H.Woodham (Borough Librarian), D.J.Wickens (Deputy Town Clerk), R.W.H.Bliss MBE (Borough Treasurer), Dr J.R. Campbell (Medical Officer Of Health), Mr A.J.Rebbeck (Borough Engineer and Surveyor) and Dr M.C.Douglas (Deputy Medical Officer of Health).
Did you know?
There is a nuclear bunker under the Civic Centre. The original design included an escape tunnel under the High Road, but that was never built.
In 1965 Alderman Mrs Joyce Butler, MP was elected chairman of Haringey Council. She was an eminent MP and was instrumental in introducing the Sex Discrimination Act in this country.
Alderman Mrs Joyce Butler, MP.
Her correct title is not councillor but Alderman Mrs Joyce Butler, MP, and she was elected chairman of Haringey Council. This is the role known in the present day as The Leader.