Looking to the future

Part of: Civic Centre history

On 8 December 2020, the council’s Cabinet made the decision to invest in a major restoration and refurbishment project to bring the Civic Centre back into active use as its main democratic hub. The refurbishment will provide modern, open civic and community areas, as well as new flexible office space.

Given its status as a Grade II Listed Building, the council is committed to ensuring the building doesn’t deteriorate further, and that it is well maintained into the future. The Cabinet agreed funding of £24m towards this project from 2020/21 to 2024/5, subject to the council’s budget setting process.

The design work will ensure that all the historically important features of the building and preserved and restored, and that the whole building is thoroughly modernised. One of the major objectives is to ensure that the building reflects the council’s commitment to tackling climate change, by making the building as close as possible to a Zero Carbon Building.

The refurbished building will be a modern, landmark Civic Centre that the whole borough can be proud of.