High Road West compulsory purchase order


In November 2022, the council’s Cabinet agreed to use its Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) powers to deliver Phase A of the High Road West scheme.

The council approved the decision to make a CPO in order to provide the certainty that the new homes and other community benefits of this part of the scheme can be delivered in a timely manner and ensure that we can deliver on our long-standing commitments to residents.

On 26 January 2023, the council made The London Borough of Haringey (High Road West Phase A) Compulsory Purchase Order 2023 and submitted the CPO to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities for confirmation. Notice of the making of the CPO was delivered to affected parties and published in 2 issues of the Enfield Independent, dated 8 February 2023 and 15 February 2023. Site notices were also erected and maintained around the site. The last date for objections was 8 March 2023.

On 5 June 2023, the council submitted its Statement of Case to the Secretary of State.

A public inquiry into the CPO took place from 7th November to 22nd November 2023. You can find more information, including recordings of the sessions and the Core Documents for the inquiry, on the Gateley Hamer website (external link).

On 20 February 2024, the CPO was confirmed on behalf of the Secretary of State for Levelling-Up, Housing and Communities.  The Inspector’s report can be viewed below. 

On 20 March 2024, the council served a confirmation notice and a copy of the CPO on all parties included within the order schedule.

It is not planned for the CPO powers to be used immediately. The CPO does not affect the commitments we have made through the Love Lane landlord offer, leaseholder offer and High Road West business charter, which remain firmly in place. We will continue to work with residents and businesses on a one-to-one basis to find the best outcome based on their individual needs.

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View the CPO documents


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Relevant documents relating to the CPO can be accessed and viewed below.

  1. The addition of Adrian Sherbanov 85 Whitehall Street London N17 8BP to column 5 (Tenants or reputed tenants) of table 1 on page 34 of the Order
  2. The substitution of Adrian Sherbanov for Erdal Pinar in column 6 (Occupiers) of table 1 on page 35 of the Order
  3. The removal of Gulseren Pinar 85 Whitehall Street London N17 8BP from column 6 (Occupiers) of table 1 on page 35 of the Order
  4. The removal of the reference to the Tottenham Hotspur Foundation with an interest of a potential right of light in respect of 796 High Road from the Rights of Light table on page 725 of the Order

The core documents to the Statement of Case can be viewed on the Gateley Hammer website (external link).

Hard copies of the order, the map and the accompanying statement of reasons are available to view at the Grange Community Hub, 32 White Hart Lane, Tottenham N17 8DP - Monday to Friday, between 9am and 5pm.

Please make an appointment to view the documents where possible - contact Scott Mundy: tel: 07971 837 641 | email: scott.mundy@haringey.gov.uk

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Description of land and the new rights


All that land shaded pink on the order map, namely land in the London Borough of Haringey bounded by (and/or including parts of) White Hart Lane to the north, High Road to the east, Brereton Road to the south and partly bounded by and partly bisected by the railway line to the west and including:

  • The Love Lane Estate - comprising 297 homes across ten blocks
  • Coombes Croft Public Library
  • Nos 731 to 759 High Road - odd numbers only
  • A small sub-station to the south of No 731 High Road
  • 100 Whitehall Street
  • The Whitehall and Tenterden Community Centre
  • All or parts of roads including Love Lane, Whitehall Street, Moselle Street, Moselle Place, William Street, High Road and White Hart Lane

New rights

The following new rights are being sought over the land shaded blue on the order map namely:

  • Parts of roads including Headcorn Road, Tenterden Road and Whitehall Street and area of land to the north of Whitehall Street - where rights of access are sought with or without vehicles for all purposes
  • Land to the north and south of 100 Whitehall Street, part of Love Lane, part of White Hart Lane, land and properties on the north and south sides of White Hart Lane, part of William Street and properties to the east of William Street, and part of Brereton Road - where the right to swing the jib of a crane loaded or unloaded is sought to facilitate the delivery of the development
  • Land and properties to the south, east and west of 9 -39 White Hart Lane - where rights are sought to access the land and erect and retain scaffolding and temporary hoarding for the purpose of constructing the development on adjoining land
  • Land to the east of the railway line and land surrounding 100 Whitehall Street and Whitehall and Tenterden Community Centre - where rights are sought to access the land and erect and retain scaffolding and temporary hoarding and demolish and re-build any structures for the purpose of constructing the development on adjoining land
  • Land surrounding 100 Whitehall Street and Whitehall and Tenterden Community Centre and part of Whitehall Street (west of the railway line) - where rights are sought to access the land to carry out landscaping and road works

All parties affected by the CPO may be entitled to compensation.

The making of the CPO is not intended to interfere with any ongoing negotiations with the Council or Lendlease (the Council’s development partner) in relation to property/land. It is intended that any such negotiations will continue.

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Rights of light

The development may interfere with certain rights of neighbouring properties, such as rights of light, which relates to the amount of natural light received by a property.

The CPO enables development to be undertaken, even where it may involve interfering with a relevant right.

At present, it is not possible to confirm which properties will be affected by the delivery of Phase A and to what extent, which will become clearer as the detailed designs progress.  We have served notice of the CPO on all parties whom could potentially have their rights affected.

If the rights of your property are affected when the development takes place, you may be entitled to financial compensation.

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Phase A - High Road West scheme

Phase A of the High Road West scheme will include the delivery of between 1,350 and 1,665 new homes, including the provision of 40% affordable housing (by habitable room), including 500 Council homes at Council rent.

Alongside this, Phase A will deliver a new Library and Learning Centre, a new public square which will provide a range of benefits for the community, and a District Energy Network. It also includes provision for new retail and leisure spaces, and a new health centre.

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Further information

If you would like to speak to a council officer regarding the CPO and how it may affect your property or rights, please contact Scott Mundy on 07971 837641 or at scott.mundy@haringey.gov.uk.

For more information on how the CPO process works, you may wish to read the government’s guidance Compulsory purchase and compensation: guide 1 - procedure (external link). Guides 2 to 4 provide information on compensation.

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Page last updated:

June 17, 2024