Christmas tree recycling
There are many ways to recycle your Christmas tree in Haringey. Find out more on our Christmas tree recycling page.
Part of: Report dumped rubbish (fly-tipping)
Littering and dumping rubbish (fly-tipping) is illegal. If you are seen doing it you will be:
Pay or appeal a fixed penalty notice for dumped rubbish, littering or dog fouling.
If you litter, you can be:
The Environmental Protection Act of 1990 states that if a person drops, throws, deposits, or leaves anything that defaces a public place they are committing a littering offence.
This includes small items such as:
Always use a litter bin or take your litter with you.
If you dump rubbish, you can be:
Fly-tipping is defined as an ‘illegal deposit of any waste onto land that does not have a licence to accept it’
This includes dumping things like:
The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) estimates that household waste (including leftover DIY material and abandoned electrical goods such as fridges) account for half of all fly-tipped rubbish in England.
If you see it, report dumped rubbish.
If you spot them or have evidence, report someone dumping rubbish.
Check our wall of shame to see if you can help spot anyone in the CCTV.