Steel bands – Haringey Young Musicians

Part of: After-school music groups – Haringey Young Musicians

Join a steel band group or orchestra

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Training steel band 

The training steel band is a chance for beginners to learn the basics of steel pan playing. It gives young people experience and prepares them to join higher groups.  

Young musicians who want to play steel pans should attend this group. The tutor will let them know when they’re ready to join the intermediate group. 

N17 training steel band

Group details are:

  • 10 weeks a term
  • Mondays, 4.30pm to 5.30pm 
  • Holy Trinity CE Primary School, Somerset Road, London N17 9EJ 
  • £27.63 per term (no charge for pupils receiving free school meals) 

Intermediate steel band 

The next level up from the training steel pans group, this group is for slightly more experienced players.  

The tutor will let students know when they’re ready to join the Steel Orchestra. 

N17 intermediate steel band

Group details are:

  • 10 weeks a term
  • Mondays, 5.30pm to 7pm 
  • Holy Trinity CE Primary School, Somerset Road, London, N17 9EJ 
  • £27.63 per term (no charge for pupils receiving free school meals) 

West site intermediate steel band

For students in the west side of Haringey.

Group details are:

  • 10 weeks a term
  • Wednesdays, 5.30pm to 7pm 
  • Haringey Learning Partnership, Commerce Road, N22 8DZ
  • £27.63 per term (no charge for pupils receiving free school meals) 

Steel Orchestra 

Advanced playing for experienced steel pan players. This group is highly acclaimed and has performed in the Royal Albert Hall school proms and Notting Hill carnival.  

In 2017, the Steel Orchestra toured Barbados with Haringey Vox.

Group details are:

  • 10 weeks a term
  • Tuesdays, 4.30pm to 6.30pm
  • Holy Trinity CE Primary School, Somerset Road, London N17 9EJ 
  • £27.63 per term (no charge for pupils receiving free school meals) 
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