SEND Directory

Haringey's Local Offer - services, support, and resources for children and young people (0-25) with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND)

Find services for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND)

Directory Entries (map)

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Directory Entries

Insight Platform

Insight Platform offers free, friendly, and confidential support for young people up to 25 in Haringey who are using or affected by drugs and alcohol.

Kith & Kids Charity

Kith & Kids is a London-based charity that provides activities, opportunities, information, and support for people with a learning disability or autism, as well as their parents and siblings. They aim to help people to overcome their social isolation.

Their Family Support Service helps parents and siblings by introducing them to other parents and siblings and providing individual information and support.

Their Outreach Service provides information, support and training to families, carers and organisations.

Markfield: inclusive community hub

Markfield is an inclusive community hub in Haringey where people can play, socialise and get information & support.

Our vision is a world where disabled, Deaf and autistic people are treated as equals, have a voice and can live the life they want.

Markfield offers a range of support services for parents/carers and young people such as: 

The Education Hub: Mental health resources

The Education Hub is a government-run site for parents, pupils, and education professionals that captures all you need to know about the education system.

Mental health resources for children, students, parents, carers and school/college staff:

The Education Hub has organised useful links and sources of mental health support so that children, young people, parents, carers, and school and college staff can get the advice and help they need.

YoungMinds Charity

YoungMinds is the UK’s leading charity, fighting for a world where no young person feels alone with their mental health. It provides help and advice for young people, their parents, and professionals working with them.

Help and advice for young people:

  • Mental health conditions
  • Feelings
  • Coping with life
  • Supporting a friend
  • Medications 
  • Guide to getting mental health support

Help and advice for parents:

Good Thinking - online mental health and wellbeing support

Good Thinking is an online service that supports Londoners to look after their mental health and wellbeing to tackle anxiety, stress, low mood, sleep problems and other concerns.

Available 24/7 on any device and completely anonymous, Good Thinking provides a range of resources to help Londoners improve their mental wellbeing, including:

Shout: crisis text line and mental health support

Shout provides free, confidential support 24/7 via text.

Shout is the UK's first free 24/7 texting service for anyone in crisis anytime, anywhere. It is available in England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.

Text SHOUT to 85258 in the UK to text with a trained Crisis Volunteer.

Their website also offers a range of online resources and support, including:

  • Autism and mental health
  • Deafness and mental health
  • Bullying and mental health
  • Exam results and mental health
  • LGBTQ+ and mental health

National Autistic Society

The UK's leading charity for autistic people and their families provides support, guidance, advice, and more.

Their advice and guidance section has a wide range of information about autism, including diagnosis, behaviour, communication, loneliness, sensory differences, mental health, benefits and money, education, and more.

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