SEND Directory

Haringey's Local Offer - services, support, and resources for children and young people (0-25) with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND)

Find services for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND)

Directory Entries (map)

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Directory Entries

Community Paediatrics (NHS)

This is an NHS-run service. The Community Paediatric service is for children aged 0-18 (or up to 19 if still attending school) with developmental problems or disabilities and associated health problems.

CPotential Charity

CPotential is a registered charity based in North London that provides life-changing learning to help disabled children achieve their potential. They work with children and young people aged 0-14 who have movement disorders due to conditions such as cerebral palsy, global development delay or acquired brain injury.

CPotential also helps children and adults with other conditions and/or disabilities.


British Sign Language (BSL) in arts and entertainment.

Deafblind UK Charity

Deafblind UK is a national charity that supports people with sight and hearing loss in living the lives they want. They provide practical help, emotional support, help with technology, information, advice, and even holidays to anyone who needs it, including resources and support for professionals.

Haringey Dental Services for special needs and disabilities (NHS)

This is an NHS-run service. Specialist dental services are available for Haringey residents (children, young people, and adults) with complex needs who cannot be seen by a general dentist.

Examples include children who have:

  • Severe anxiety and not able to cooperate, or who may need a general anaesthetic
  • Physical or learning disabilities
  • Medical conditions that require special provision
  • 'Looked after' children

Access to this specialist service is by referral only.

Disability Action Haringey

Disability Action Haringey (DAH) was formed in 2020 with the aim of supporting disabled people in the London Borough of Haringey maintain their independence and freedom. We are committed to the social model of disability and building a society that accepts and accommodates everyone.

As a Deaf and Disabled Persons’ Organisation, our services will always be centred on the demands of the service users themselves, which leads us to take a holistic approach to support.

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