Enforcement agencies

Part of: If you don't pay your business rates

If a liability order is obtained at Haringey Magistrate's Court and you have not agreed a payment plan or contacted business rates, your debt will be passed to an enforcement agency to collect without further notice.

To avoid an enforcement agent visiting your property with the intention of removing your stock or belongings for sale at auction, arrange a payment plan to clear your outstanding business rates when you receive their first letter. This will keep the amount of additional costs you need to pay to a minimum.

Enforcement agencies and contact details

  • Newlyn – 01604 633 001
  • CDER Group – 0333 323 0333

Contact the business rates team

Our phone line is open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, 9am to 5pm.

The above address is for written correspondence only.

We are unable to see customers in person. Our Customer Services Centres can accept copies of documents but will not be able to answer any questions about your Business Rates.

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