If you don't pay your business rates

A reminder notice is issued if you fail to make payment of an instalment by the date due. The notice will advise you of the amount you need to pay to bring your account up to date.

Reminders and final notice

If you do not pay by direct debit your instalments are due to be paid on or before the 1st of each month.

Customers paying by direct debit can choose to pay on either the 1st, 15th or 25th of each month.

Information about setting up a direct debit and other ways to pay is on our paying business rates page.

Reminder notices

A reminder notice is issued if you fail to make payment of an instalment by the date due. The notice will advise you of the amount you need to pay to bring your account up to date.

If you have received a reminder notice, you need to bring your account up to date within 7 days. You can pay your business rates by debit or credit card or PayPal on our secure website.

If payment is not received as requested on the reminder notice, recovery action may continue and a summons issued.

If you pay the amount requested on the reminder notice, no further action will be taken as long as you continue to make payment of the remaining monthly instalments on time.

Final notices

The council will only issue one reminder notice to you during a financial year. If you are late paying for a second time in a year, you will be issued with a final notice which will cancel your monthly instalments.

Your instalment plan will only be reinstated if you bring your instalments up to date and set up a direct debit to ensure future payments are made on time.

If you believe the reminder or final notice is incorrect, for example because you are up-to-date with your instalments, select the Reminder or Final option on our contact form. Give us as much information as possible and we will contact you as soon as we can.

Contact business rates

Contact the business rates team

Our phone line is open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, 9am to 5pm.

The above address is for written correspondence only.

We are unable to see customers in person. Our Customer Services Centres can accept copies of documents but will not be able to answer any questions about your Business Rates.

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