If you feel that a licensed premises is causing you problems, you can ask us to review their licence.
Before applying, please consider whether the problem can be solved by:
- talking to the person who runs the premises as they may be willing to take steps to resolve the situation
- contact us to ask if we could talk to the licensee on your behalf
- asking your local MP or your local councillor to speak to the licensee on your behalf
- talking to environmental health if it’s a noise problem, or the police if it’s a crime and disorder problem, as they may be able to help
Check our licensing register to see if the premises has an existing licence.
Review request form
To ask us to review an existing licence, please complete the review form and send it to us via email:
On the same day that you send us the review form, you must also send copies to the licence holder and all relevant responsible authorities
Licences currently under review
See our list of premises licence and club premises certificate licence currently under review.
Contact the licensing team
Please note this phone number and email address are NOT for house in multiple occupation (HMO) licensing queries.