Licensing Act 2003 - guide to making a representation

Part of: Comment on an alcohol licence

The Licensing Act permits any person to make a relevant representation in support of, or objecting to, a premises licence application. There is no requirement for you to live within a certain distance or have a particular interest, but for comments to be taken into account they must fall within the scope of being ‘relevant/valid’ under the Act.

‘Relevant/valid representation’ is the formal method available to a person who wishes to have a say on licence applications made under the Licensing Act 2003.

For a representation to be ‘relevant/valid’ under the Licensing Act 2003, it must:

  • be submitted to the licensing authority
  • be received by the licensing authority before the end of the 28-day consultation period
  • relate to the likely effect of the grant of an application on the promotion of the ‘licensing objectives’ specified in the Licensing Act 2003

No 2 applications are the same. As every business is different and there are many types of applications and licensable activities, to produce a ‘relevant/valid representation’ it is essential you understand precisely what an application seeks before deciding whether to make a representation to it.

How to comment on a current application

We maintain the online consultation list information, which is available on the licence applications and reviews page.

Contact us if you need more information about the application, for example, what is proposed in the operating schedule of the application form. Email is the fastest way to make your enquiry.

To be considered ‘relevant’ a representation must clearly explain the likely effect of the grant of the premises licence on one or more of the 4 licensing objectives, which are:

  • the prevention of crime and disorder
  • the prevention of public nuisance
  • the protection of children from harm
  • public safety

Concerns must be clearly expressed or identified in the body of the representation.

There is no requirement for you to produce a recorded history of problems at the premises to support your representation. We recognise that this would not be possible for new premises. However, case law established through the Licensing Act advises that speculation and unsubstantiated claims cannot be considered.

The representation must explain the basis, or grounds, for the concern raised and certain parts of our Licensing Policy, issued under Section 182 of the Act. Government guidance may assist in assuring that your representation is as effective as possible.

For more information, see:

An area may have some localised social issues that cause valid concerns for residents. In these cases, there is often existing legislation in force and other enforcement mechanisms available for dealing with them.

For this reason, the Licensing Act makes clear that certain considerations may not form the basis of relevant representations in relation to licensing applications.

Representations based on these concerns cannot be considered:

  • limited parking provisions
  • unmet demand
  • the possible effect the grant of an application may have on property value
  • moral or ethical views of the sale or consumption of alcohol

Make a representation

You'll need to keep the following in mind:

  • representations cannot be made anonymously
  • all representations submitted, and not withdrawn, will form part of the Licensing Sub-committee report, which is a public document
  • representations must be received by us within 28 days from the day after we receive a valid application

A representation can be submitted by email, by post or in person.

By email

Write to us at

By post or in person

Licensing Service
Alexandra House
10 Station Road, Wood Green
N22 7TR

Representations made by post must be received within the 28-day period to be relevant

We would advise you to submit your objection/supporting representation by email as this is the most reliable and effective method of serving such an important communication.

When we receive your representation

We are required by law to:

  • consider the content of the representation to establish whether it meets the criteria for being relevant/valid
  • send a copy of the representation to the applicant or their representative

Join the weekly list of applications mailing list

If you wish to be sent a weekly list of applications under consultation in Haringey (new applications, variation applications, minor variation applications, review applications), please send us an email and we will add you to the mailing list.

Contact the licensing team

Please note this phone number and email address are NOT for house in multiple occupation (HMO) licensing queries.

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